A Beach Cinema for Earth Hour 2017
Stand Up for Nature and WWF team up for a bicycle powered beach cinema to Celebrate Earth Hour 2017.
March 25th, the date put forward by the World Wildlife Fund in 2017 for "Earth Hour" the global event where lights and electrics are turned off for one hour from 8:30 in the evening to symbolise our commitment to the planets wellbeing.

Stand up for Nature is an NGO created by two young students at the University of Exeter, Hannah Pollock and Jamie Unwin are behind the organisation fighting against wildlife crime and human wildlife conflict issues through the medium of Film.
Earth hour is a special event and to help make a difference Stand up for Nature in partnership with WWF put on a beach cinema, a great way for everyone to get away from their phones, tv's and other electronic devices for the hour all while appreciating the sea and the stars.

With help from volunteers from the University of Exeter and Falmouth University and Jamie and Hannah as well we set up the screen, fairy lights and the all important power. It wasn't an ordinary beach cinema however, this one was bicycle powered!
Being of earth hour spirit the cinema couldn't be powered through conventional methods and so a group effort was required. All though the evening the power for the film projector and speakers was generated through cycling a number of bikes at the back of the seating area. It was a fantastic way to save some energy and get everybody involved with the evening.

Being an event focused on the planet and its natural wonders, the films showed were of the natural history genre, and included in the selection was Racing Extinction and David Attenborough's Life on Earth.
2017 Proved to be Earth Hour's largest event encompassing 187 different countries and involved more than 3000 landmarks and monuments, thanks to events like this and many others conservation awareness is growing around the world and we continue to grow closer to a more renewable future!
More information can be found at http://www.standupfornature.org/earth-hour.html
and https://www.earthhour.org